July 13, 2008

La Vie de Bohême

Yeah! I am back, of course in a bit better shape, after a nice Friday dinner with boss and lab’s guest. It is nice to meet new people from scientific world, always I get to know many new scientific stuffs and some random discussions about the place we live, visit etc. etc. Our guest came from all the way from Seattle with a mountain bike and did a small tour de ‘France’ (Bretagne). One of the topic came up during our discussion was about the famous French people like scientist, singers etc. and always we end up meeting famous people very casually in the supermarkets, streets etc. For example today I had lunch in an Indian restaurant with Susheela Raman (British-Tamil pop singer) in the next table. And during our evening tea break in our friends Indian antique shop, we had Brigitte Fontaine (French actress singer) walking in the shop, tried an Indian antique dress. Today after seeing both I can say be it an Indian or French pop singer it is “La Vie de Bohême”! Ok! For people who don’t know them...
Brigitte Fontaine ...
Susheela Raman...

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