July 23, 2006

No Update!

Its almost a week, no updates. Just a week to go for my summer vacation to start, Complete August no work..... Almost the whole of Paris comes to a stand still during this vacation time, you can hear more of English in the streets, less of french more of tourist. I am also going to be away from Paris for a month, Will start my ever longest solo trip... will travel, meditate and meet some friends in the most expensive neighbouring, beautiful country. I will write about it in detail later this week... just before my trip. This week is going to be crazy with deadlines for my publication and my hotel and ticket booking, planning etc. etc. BTW there is a Paris beach set up next to the river in Paris, they make a artificial beach next to the river, if I find time, I will try to sneak to the Paris Plage (Paris Beach) for some pictures and some relaxation. till...then...No updates...

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