July 11, 2009


Today was a very nice day, got to see some raw human instincts, got to see the innocence and the power of mankind. First the innocence, I have come across many different love stories in my life. The sweetest are the one when people fall in love, following their instincts without giving many thoughts to it. As we grow up we start looking for logics and reasons behind love which makes it less interesting, no wonder people always cherish their first love. After a very long time today I got to hear one such crazy and sweet love story...Now the power, the Concorde. Since the Wright brothers made the first fly in 1905, the animal (bird) instinct in us urged us to fly and to cross the Atlantic in less than 2 hours, today I got to see that powerful machine.

1 comment:

Raj said...

Looking like three musketeers standing:)